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From Gaming Enthusiast to Game Developer: Begin Your Journey with Unity 3D!

How to create a game without experience

Have you ever found yourself lost in the riveting plot of a video game, only to dream of creating one yourself? I’m Hector Pulido, a game developer with over seven years of experience, and I’m here to tell you that it’s possible, even if right now you are a solo player! Being part of pequesoft, a two-person team, I’ve experienced firsthand how dreams can turn into cozy realities.

How to create a game without experience

In this vast universe of game development, taking the first step might seem daunting. But fear not, because I’ll introduce you to two cornerstone Unity 3D templates: one to develop a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game and another to create a pulsating Beat-em-up.

An RTS, or Real-Time Strategy game, is a genre where players simultaneously collect resources, build bases, and command units to compete against opponents. Actions and decisions take place in real-time, providing a dynamic, fast-paced gaming experience, this RTS game template brings your aspiring battlefield to life.

Age of empires

Age of empires is an excelent example of an RTS game

A Beat ‘em up, or brawler, is a video game genre where the player controls a character engaged in close combat with multiple opponents. These games often emphasize hand-to-hand fighting, with the protagonist battling through levels with various enemies, culminating in a boss fight, use this Beat-em-ups template to craft your gripping fights.

Simpsons arcade

The Simpsons Arcade Game is an amazing Beat-em-up game

Getting started with the templates is straightforward. First, navigate to the provided GitHub links for the RTS game template and the Beat-em-ups template. Click on the green ‘Code’ button on the right, and then click ‘Download ZIP’. Once downloaded, extract the contents of the ZIP file to a location of your choice.

How to download the template

Download Unity Hub from here and install it. Now, open Unity Hub, click ’Add’, and choose the extracted folder. Your template project will load up, and you’re ready to start your exhilarating game development journey!

How to open the template

But remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Join our spirited community on Discord where passion meets wisdom, and innovation meets collaboration. Being part of this community can fast-track your mastery in game development, providing you with a conducive environment to learn, grow, and share.

As we wrap up, remember that all it takes to bring your game to life is an idea, a sprinkle of dedication, and the right tools. Download the templates now, create your first game, and join the Pequesoft Discord community. Start writing your own game development story today. The world of gamers is waiting to get lost in the universe you create!

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